How to calm down when angry

motivations zone blog
4 min readJul 26, 2021


How to calm down when angry? We all be anxious and get disappointed from time to time. In case it’s alright for them, it’s alright for you. But what happens when that worry or anger takes over, and you can’t calm down? Having the choice to calm yourself at the time is every now and again very troublesome.

So getting familiar with some strategies can help when you’re feeling anxious or angry. Here are some helpful, actionable tips you can try to calm down next time.

Here are the 15 Ways to How to calm down when angry

Ask yourself if your anger is justified.

This can be hard to do at the moment — heads on fire, and all that — but if you can take a few deep breaths and examine why you’re angry, you’ll be able to calm yourself down without invalidating it. May be able your feelings.

“Before you endeavor to make your disappointment disappear, check whether you can recognize what’s upheld about your irritation,” Appio tells BuzzFeed. “Would it be okay for others to be angry in your situation? In case it’s alright for them, it’s alright for you. Validating yourself doesn’t mean you’re going to quit out of anger. This allows you to simply check with yourself what you need and consider how you can best meet your needs. “

Take three deep breaths

Deep breathing helps you learn how to calm down by lowering your inner anger meter. Deep breathing exercises are one of the many ways you can turn a bad mood right away.

Understand your anger

Adopt the thought process of an investigator and find hints about circumstances, individuals, and occasions that trigger your annoyance, Nicholson says. Once you know about them, try to avoid them if you can. If you can’t avoid them, at least you’ll know how to anticipate them, which will give you more time to prepare for them so they don’t affect you so negatively. You can also think of the situation as an opportunity to practice what doesn’t work. The next time you feel that outrage is bubbling in you, attempt these 7 deceives so you can vent your disappointments without grumbling.

Defuse the situation with laughter

When managing irate relatives, figure out how to make them snicker. For example, take a quick photo of yourself with a silly or contrasting expression, print it out, and put it on a family member’s pillow. The point is to put together something that is light and fun. Not only does it quell anger, but it reminds everyone that you are forever together in this family, and that love and forgiveness remain in ample supply.

Don’t express your anger

Remember, too, that a display of anger accomplishes nothing more than anger or intimidation of others. Jordan says that outrage ought not to be utilized as a disciplinary apparatus, a specialized technique, or an enthusiastic weapon to manage outrage. It is a harmful, personal, emotional state that is a symptom of an underlying problem. So never let anger be used as a threat, especially with your children. Your anger should be your issue, not others. Watch out for these 11 telltale signs that you are being passive-aggressive.

Explore your feelings

Sometimes it helps to take a moment and think about what feelings may be hiding beneath your anger. Outrage frequently fills in as a defensive veil to assist you with trying not to feel more agonizing feelings like shame, bitterness, and sadness.

For example, when someone gives you a reaction that’s hard to hear, you might get angry because you’re embarrassed. Persuading yourself that the other individual is terrible at condemning you may help you in general at the time since it removes your shame. But acknowledging the underlying feelings can help you get to the root of the problem. Then, at that point, you can choose to make a proper move. For instance, on the off chance that somebody drops plans on you and your basic inclination is a mistake, you can attempt to clarify how the retraction drives you to feel as opposed to mad. When you’re honest about your feelings, you’re more likely to problem-solve. Responding angrily usually does nothing but push people away.

And remember to take care of yourself

If you are constantly tired, overworked, not eating well, not exercising, and not spending time with the people who love and support you, then zero to 100. more likely to leave. That’s why Shockie-Pope says that good self-care habits are the key to what’s bothering you even more. So even if it seems impossible, take time for yourself. ask for help. Get out. Sleep early Look for a new job if your current work situation is making you angry. You totally deserve to feel less angry.

Read Also: How to meditate to find your inner self



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